Database Health Check

We provide a health check that not only gives you peace of mind, but also ensures your system is configured and optimised to run as efficiently as possible.

Our health checks not only look into the configuration of the system, but also the state of database server, and how efficiently queries are running.

We have conducted much development work off the back of these checks, and have had much success with all our work and support.

When we are consulted for optimisation requests, we always default to providing a complete database health check, as doing so can more than always provide a clear picture on the condition of a system, and give us more contextual detail about the root cause of the issue.

Our customers have peace of mind in knowing we have the experience and give them solid proven advice.

How we have helped some of our happy customers

We carried out a detailed analysis and health check for one of our customers who were upgrading their complex material management system using SQL Server Database to process and store transactions. 

Without having to understand their complete system, we were able to (within a short amount of time) provide them with enough anecdotal evidence to point to the root causes of the performance issues they were experiencing. Before we even started to diagnose their system, the customer was provided with a health check of approval.

In the end, the analysis and health checks we provided proved 100% undeniable evidence of where the root cause issues were. We provided visuals, graphs and a detailed analysis of the problems we found, along with proposed solutions.

Another customer who had recently migrated over a hundred databases into AWS using an Always On Availability Group.

We were able to the diagnose one standout performance issue which categorised itself by various waits on resources, and CPU (SOS scheduler yields, causing requests to be retried a number of times). We were able to identify the top 15 poorly running queries out of millions of queries, and once we had optimised the top 3, CPU averages reduced from 85-99% down to 20-40% during peak load.